Gazing out my window
Didn't know
And then it hit me out cold
Reminiscing your pretense on bike ,
Conjuring up memories of your physique
Then ascertaining it with dark figure of man
Only to find it true
My breathing stopped , hopes lost
Pain racing up my veins
My unheard voice begging him to stop
Too fazed by shock and fear
Couldn't figure out a way to save me
A very close shave with death
Thus Falling off
The last straw was me on floor covered with tears , lies , injuries
Darkness encompassing all of them

Didn't know
And then it hit me out cold
It was you ,ravager
Back to now ,
My hands trembled and lip quivered
And work before me seemed an eternity away
Tried to lay back and went to sleep for reparation
Next thing I know is Dad waking me up
Telling me it's time back for chores
Blinking and shielding my eyes away from light
Couldn't pinpoint the discrepancy between nightmare and reality
For the abuser held me so strongly in his roots
Bruises encased my arm and face
For on that night ,it dawned on my soul
I had lost the battle
Lost the world I created
Lost my integrity and true self
All at hands of egotist
Gazing out my window
Didn't know
And then it hit me out cold
It was you ,ravager